보상함수 예제#

Unit 03. 보상함수 예제 Section 08. 보상 함수


Video 🚀 프리미엄 과정 인프런


  • 영상은 크롬 웹브라우저를 사용할 것을 적극 권장합니다.

  • 영상은 프리미엄 과정에 등록된 구글 계정에서만 보입니다.

  • Q&A 댓글 달기 : 영상 우측 상단 탭에서 보기 버튼을 클릭하면 영상에 질문 댓글을 작성할 수 있습니다.


Example 1#

  • Time trial - follow the center line

def reward_function(params):
    Example of rewarding the agent to follow center line
    # Read input parameters
    track_width = params['track_width']
    distance_from_center = params['distance_from_center']
    # Calculate 3 markers that are at varying distances away from the center line
    marker_1 = 0.1 * track_width
    marker_2 = 0.25 * track_width
    marker_3 = 0.5 * track_width
    # Give higher reward if the car is closer to center line and vice versa
    if distance_from_center <= marker_1:
        reward = 1.0
    elif distance_from_center <= marker_2:
        reward = 0.5
    elif distance_from_center <= marker_3:
        reward = 0.1
        reward = 1e-3  # likely crashed/ close to off track
    return float(reward)

Example 2#

  • Time trial - stay inside the two borders

def reward_function(params):
    Example of rewarding the agent to stay inside the two borders of the track
    # Read input parameters
    all_wheels_on_track = params['all_wheels_on_track']
    distance_from_center = params['distance_from_center']
    track_width = params['track_width']
    # Give a very low reward by default
    reward = 1e-3

    # Give a high reward if no wheels go off the track and
    # the agent is somewhere in between the track borders
    if all_wheels_on_track and (0.5*track_width - distance_from_center) >= 0.05:
        reward = 1.0

    # Always return a float value
    return float(reward)

Example 3#

  • Time trial - prevent zig-zag

def reward_function(params):
    Example of penalize steering, which helps mitigate zig-zag behaviors

    # Read input parameters
    distance_from_center = params['distance_from_center']
    track_width = params['track_width']
    abs_steering = abs(params['steering_angle']) # Only need the absolute steering angle

    # Calculate 3 marks that are farther and father away from the center line
    marker_1 = 0.1 * track_width
    marker_2 = 0.25 * track_width
    marker_3 = 0.5 * track_width

    # Give higher reward if the car is closer to center line and vice versa
    if distance_from_center <= marker_1:
        reward = 1.0
    elif distance_from_center <= marker_2:
        reward = 0.5
    elif distance_from_center <= marker_3:
        reward = 0.1
        reward = 1e-3  # likely crashed/ close to off track

    # Steering penality threshold, change the number based on your action space setting
    # Penalize reward if the car is steering too much
    if abs_steering > ABS_STEERING_THRESHOLD:
        reward *= 0.8
    return float(reward)

Example 4#

  • Object avoidance and head-to-head - stay on one lane and not crashing (default for OA and h2h)

  • Link

def reward_function(params):
    Example of rewarding the agent to stay inside two borders
    and penalizing getting too close to the objects in front

    all_wheels_on_track = params['all_wheels_on_track']
    distance_from_center = params['distance_from_center']
    track_width = params['track_width']
    objects_distance = params['objects_distance']
    _, next_object_index = params['closest_objects']
    objects_left_of_center = params['objects_left_of_center']
    is_left_of_center = params['is_left_of_center']

    # Initialize reward with a small number but not zero
    # because zero means off-track or crashed
    reward = 1e-3

    # Reward if the agent stays inside the two borders of the track
    if all_wheels_on_track and (0.5 * track_width - distance_from_center) >= 0.05:
        reward_lane = 1.0
        reward_lane = 1e-3

    # Penalize if the agent is too close to the next object
    reward_avoid = 1.0

    # Distance to the next object
    distance_closest_object = objects_distance[next_object_index]
    # Decide if the agent and the next object is on the same lane
    is_same_lane = objects_left_of_center[next_object_index] == is_left_of_center

    if is_same_lane:
        if 0.5 <= distance_closest_object < 0.8: 
            reward_avoid *= 0.5
        elif 0.3 <= distance_closest_object < 0.5:
            reward_avoid *= 0.2
        elif distance_closest_object < 0.3:
            reward_avoid = 1e-3 # Likely crashed

    # Calculate reward by putting different weights on 
    # the two aspects above
    reward += 1.0 * reward_lane + 4.0 * reward_avoid

    return reward